Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Song of the moment: No Doubling Back

I find it funny that when I woke up this morning, this song was playing in my head.  It's been a while since I've heard it, and I didn't even really think of the lyrics immediately.  I have a habit of letting the beat and the rhythm roll around in my head for a while first before I try to remember the words.  And it usually comes back to me slowly.

I know this ain't the way I planned it / I guess I ain't the great romantic / And I'm not doubling back now

If you listen to the entire song, you can pretty much conclude that it's about wanting to break up and trying to muster up the courage to let the other person know.

To me, today, it means something else.  It just so happens that I've been giving myself mini-pep talks to try and reclaim the creative fire that is within me which I think is slightly low on gas.  So hearing this song in my head is like telling myself to just...suck it up and do something about it.

Or maybe I am breaking up...with my self-doubt.

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