Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Song(s) of the Moment: Old School Mraz!

Greetings from the MrazGal!

I know this was supposed to be a daily (or weekly, at least) blogging effort on my part, as a way to reinforce my writing chops, but certain things have happened since my last post that have caused me to momentarily abandon my MrazFan responsibilities:

1. I got married.
2. Too many shows to catch up on.
3. New hobbies are underway.
4. Yeah, I've been watching too many shows lately.

Anyway, more on that in my other blog soon, which I have appropriately renamed to reflect my blogging behavior.  For now, I would like to share this wonderful, 49-minute show that I rediscovered on Youtube.


 The set list includes a lot of my old favorites.

1. I'll Do Anything
2. Unfold
3. Details In The Fabric (which was still named Sewing Machine during the time of performance)
4. Life Is Wonderful
5. Did I Fool Ya
6. After An Afternoon
7. Gypsy MC
8. Plane

I love the fact that this video features a much younger Mraz, before his long hair and fedora days.  I also love the fact that he sang at least one song from each of his studio albums (back then, he probably had no idea Details in the Fabric/Sewing Machine would be in his third album, but the coincidence is AWESOME). I love how he based his set list on the requests made by the audience.  What a great moment for fandom!  If I were there, I would have died of happiness.

I won't be quoting the songs sung in this show.  You will have to watch it yourself and drink it all up.  However, let me end this post with this:

I'll Do Anything to be able to Unfold the Details In The Fabric, for they convey that Life Is Wonderful.  Did I Fool Ya into thinking that this life isn't?  I'm a Gypsy MC, one who will forever be glad to have gotten on a Plane so she can have her happily ever after with the man she loves. ♥